Well, I took the plunge and I came out to my friends first. I lost three really good friends because they couldn't handle me being gay. I haven't come out to my family yet but that is happening over break. I am ready for it but how can anybody be really for the unexpected? How did everyone deal with coming out and being rejected by the ones you thought that you could trust? How do I keep myself sane and happy and being myself?
No announcement yet.
I came out in a whole different period of time. I would've killed for a coming out like people have these days. You are so accepted. I was not accepted when I came out. I lost close to everything and had to build myself up from almost nothing. But I am stronger today for it andi am happyto have faught so that you do not have to go through whatI went through.
When I came out my parents were excited. My brother wasn't as cool and we did not talk for well over a year but we are good now. He just needed to take his own space and now we are better than ever. I lost some friends but I gained a shit ton of friends. Those are the people who made my transition super amazing. It was so great meetingthe gay community and finding friends and family here.
I lost my family when I came out but my friends stuck with me through everything. They became the family I wish I had and I owe everything that I am to them. It sucks coming out and being rejected because there is literally nothing different about who you are and who you were except this one thing. I like the same sex. Who cares? My friends know that this isn't a big deal but my parents who are supposed to love care this much? That is not cool. I do not even know how to deal with all of this. It's been years and I still can't handle it.
You will lose people but you will gain a whole world and a new life. It is so freeing when you accept that. You can't win them, all but if you are lucky they will come around in time. That is the best you can hope for. But do not let it distract you from something you want to do or be. A lion doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. Just remember that.