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Trapped In The Closet

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  • Trapped In The Closet

    Do you think that you still have friends or know someone who have no plans of coming out?

  • #2
    There might be a few, but I don't really care if they ever plan to come out or not


    • StiffySteve
      StiffySteve commented
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      Maybe that's not really your business.

    • DurtyDirke
      DurtyDirke commented
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      It isn't really my business so I shouldn't really acre at all.

  • #3
    Do you want us to force them to come out already if they are really gay? For all we know they might be metrosexuals


    • StiffySteve
      StiffySteve commented
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      Not really and being gay shouldn't be because someone pushes to be one.

    • TeeRex
      TeeRex commented
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      I agree with you and there's a time for that as well.

  • #4
    Don't want to sound a bit harsh or mean, but if they have no plans of coming out, then I would just let them stay there for the rest of their lives


    • CockyMalone
      CockyMalone commented
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      I don't see anything wrong with what you've said. You're just respecting their decision

  • #5
    I will just ask him why he hasn't come out yet and respect his or her decision


    • #6
      I'm still in the closet with no plans of ever getting out. Plus I refuse to say "I'm gay" despite my hyper-sexual past. I'm not promiscuous 24/7/365 and keep to myself majority of the time, so staying in the closet complements that part of me, Besides, I always get eye-raped or approached for sex by men who know what I am and will do. Sooo....I've never had to have the talk because I sleep with men I naturally sync with.

      I've also never asked any guy I've slept with if he's "still in the closet" or not because nothing would kill their hunger and lust quicker than asking "does anybody else know you're gay?" He's giving me the attention I want and I'm going to give him the sex he wants. Why would I fuck that up? Even after a couple become my FWB's?

      I've never had "gay" friends, or friends that were confused if they were gay nor not, but if I did I wouldn't pressure them to come out. Not only because i'd be hypocritical, but also because being 'born this way' isn't a one-size-fits-all process. Each person goes about it their own way. Give support when they need it, leave them alone and don't nag them with LGBTQ cultish peer-pressure.

