I want to come out so badly, but I've taken way too longer than I should have to do this. I guess I was confused about my sexual orientation. There were certain feelings that I sometimes ignored or decided not to think about. I think that was the problem. I should have taken those feelings seriously and spoken to someone about them. Now, I've come a long way with my life and coming out right now is going to hurt a lot of people. I've been with my girlfriend for three years now and I don't know how to tell her. Obviously, she's going to freak out. Once that's out of the way, I can tell my parents and the family. I'm not too much concerned about that. I care about my girlfriend a lot and I just don't want her to get hurt too much. I'm hoping that she will take it the right way. Given the circumstances though, I might be expecting too much from her. If you have any experience with a situation like this or if you know someone who has done something like this, please help me out here. I have no idea how I'm going to do this. TIA!
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Tell me how to tell my girlfriend that I'm gay
you're in a really tough spot. i don't think there's any way that you can come out right now without hurting people's feelings. however, waiting any longer is going to make things even more difficult for you. just find a good time to talk to your gf n then tell her the truth. i'm sure that she will be very very upset, but there's nothing you can do about that....
Some people do take time to come to terms with their sexuality and I don't think it's right to judge EvanX right now. That's not going to help him or anyone. I mean of course he shouldn't have taken this long to do this, but I've heard of people who even have kids before coming out. @EvanX you must not wait any longer. Tell her tomorrow if you can and tell your family and friends. Then you can deal with what comes after that and live your life. No matter what happens, life will go on and you will feel that so much weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You can't compare anything with that freedom.
@Christian_Nevada that's rubbish! what's wrong with a person finally discovering that he's gay? i don't think a woman should feel ashamed of her partner coming out like that rather than hiding all his life. that's the worst thing that can happen. if he spends his lifetime hiding his real self, she'd be living a total lie. if i was this girl, i'd be happy that he's honest about his feelings rather than lying to her for the rest of their lives. @EvanX i hope that this will be the case for you. no matter what, you got no choice here. just take deep breath and get it over with. i know it's easier to say this than do it, but you got no choice at all here.
Thanks everyone for your advice and comments. I agree that I shouldn't have waited this long. It was wrong of me to ignore and neglect my feelings for this long. I've done something very wrong. I will apologize to my girlfriend, my family and friends of course. I mean I do feel bad, but it is what it is. I'm happy in a way that I'm dealing with this now rather than later. That's like the only positive I can take from this situation.
Yeah you could have easily been a coward and hid all your life. You have a girlfriend and I suppose it's a bit serious as well after 3 years... You're doing something very hard and everyone should understand that. Everyone around you will have to deal with this, but they have to understand that you're going through a lot. AND a lot more than any of them. Good luck!
EvanX you deserve understanding from your loved ones. The situation you're in is as tough as it will get when it comes to coming out. But you're not taking an easy way out of the situation which is greatI really hope that everyone will understand you and that they will support you to live your life happily. You will lose a few people, but don't worry about that. Things will never be the same again too, but it's all for your own good. I'm sure you'll come out of this well.
Guys, I can't express in words how much your comments mean to me. It has been two very difficult months and I'm hoping to put an end to all this soon. I will start by telling my girlfriend and breaking up. Then I can go on and tell my parents and finally my friends. It will be hard, but all I'm focusing on right now is the fact that I'm finally being honest with myself and to them too. I think that's what matters. Once I get through this, I will never have to lie to anyone ever again.
Try to get yourself caught jacking off while watching some gay porn or have a threesome with her and another guy. But you only pay attention to the guy