Yes, you have known one person from an online dating site. He looks nice and you kinda like him already. Days went by and you had learned more stuffs about him. Now, you have become hesitant to continue to date him because of his financial status. Yes, he is financially endowed that you are no match with his richness. And yes, he told you that he wants someone who is also on his level. Would you back off already?
No announcement yet.
A financially endowed man
If he specifically told you that he also wanted someone who has the same financial level as what he has, and you are not on that level, then you should already know the next step - quit.
I can convince him that someday after all my debts have paid off, all my financial issues have been settled then maybe he might consider giving me a chance to be with him. I will convince him more than richness has nothing to do if a person loves him so. That person is me, and I love him dearly, I will do whatever it takes for me to have him.
I agree with Stanlee, you're just wasting your time with this man that clearly has other interests rather than to be with you CockyMalone.
You are desperate if you do those things. It is a sign that you are weak and would take any compromise just to have him. Guess what? You would be dumped after having those pleas.
He's telling me that he wants someone to be on his level? How could he! I'm not that type of person that wants to date him just because I knew that he is well-off. I would tell him to go fuck yourself, I can earn my own money and I will certainly not want to date with a narcissistic jerk like him!
You got that right! If he tells you that, then better give him the f word and he can find someone else rather than be with you. He thinks he's untouchable just coz he's rich.
Oh, you were hurt! Lol. Why don't you just admit that you were not of his level? I think that it would be better to accept some things than to justify them simply because your ego was hurt.
Ah, he wants to be with someone rich as him so he would not think that you're dating him only for his money, huh? Clever, but he shouldn't be assuming that you're using him for his wealth. why would he be talking to me anyway? It's been days so I guess he couldn't resist not liking me, huh?
I guess it's time for you to back off already. He is not interested in you at all, sorry to burst your bubble TwinkleToes but I think he's looking for somebody else now too.
@TwinkleeToes Yeah, he must've think that you might want to be with him because he's financially stable and you're not. He suddenly tells you that he's into guys like him, but why didn't you tell or convinced him that you want him because he's a unique and handsome guy and not for his money?