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Hairy or not?

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  • Hairy or not?

    All of us have preferences. So, this is a bit trivial but would be done just for fun. Who do you like better as a partner? Someone who is hairy on the armpit area and groin area or someone who is not meaning they shave or wax those areas?

  • #2
    I would choose someone hairy. Maybe I am just turned on with men who have thick hairs all over those areas. I think they excite me more. lol.


    • IronBulge
      IronBulge commented
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      The thicker that more curious you are to sex or just enjoy the sex lol

  • #3
    Click image for larger version  Name:	wp_ss_20190911_0003 (2).png Views:	1 Size:	600.5 KB ID:	9464 Click image for larger version

Name:	wp_ss_20190912_0001 (2).png
Views:	289
Size:	673.9 KB
ID:	9476 Hairy men EVERY TIME!!!

    I love body hair on a man. Everywhere! The more there is, the better I like it.

    It's such a MASSIVE turn on for me.

    Tom Selleck (as Magnum) was my idol when I was growing up in the 1970s and 1980s.

    Actually, he still is! Great moustache too.
    Last edited by CUM EATER; 09-12-2019, 11:30 AM.


      CUM EATER commented
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      Burt Reynolds never really did it for me, LumberJacked!

      But I've thought of someone else who does!

      Sean Connery, when he was playing James Bond. Such a beautiful man.
      Last edited by CUM EATER; 09-13-2019, 08:31 AM.

    • HottieTotty
      HottieTotty commented
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      I like hairy men, too. And just like you, the hairier the better. It just turns me on.

    • Cornholio
      Cornholio commented
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      CUM EATER why it didn't worked out for you when it comes to Burt Reynolds?

  • #4
    I don't care if he's hairy on the other parts that you've mentioned as long as he keeps it clean on his crotch area. Don't want to end up coughing a hairball of his pubes lol


    • MickeyDee
      MickeyDee commented
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      Do you also happen to wax your groin area?

    • LollySucker
      LollySucker commented
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      If he is hairy all over his body then suddenly becomes hairless on his crotch area then I do not think that it would look good. Why not wax all the other hair to make the body smooth?

  • #5
    I don't mind which part is hairy or not. The fact that the hairier the best sex you'll ever get.


      CUM EATER commented
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      That doesn't make sense.

    • GagDaddy
      GagDaddy commented
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      What is the correlation of hairy men with the best sex?

  • #6
    Hairy chest yes, but down there? It depends, as long as I won't get pubes stuck in between my teeth, then we're good lol


    • BillyGym
      BillyGym commented
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      S9ome guys are too hairy and it sheds off when the fucking gets rough. It's best if he shaves or trims his pubes. I have no problem with the chest hair anyway.

    • TylerBurden
      TylerBurden commented
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      Oh, I love the chest hair. It is lovely to play with it.
      I also love if he has hairy pubes down there. I never had an experience where a hair was stuck in between my teeth so maybe I am very good in sucking dicks!

  • #7
    I don't have that much hair so I'd prefer someone who's as clean as me. I've been with some hairy guys but only thin-haired is okay for me.


    • DurtyDirke
      DurtyDirke commented
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      I also like non-hairy men. You know, when thick hair and sweat would combine together, the feeling is just gross. At least, for non-hairy men, there would only be sweat and nothing else.

    • Stanlee
      Stanlee commented
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      Since you want him to be as clean as you. Doesn't mean that you're willing to help him shave?

  • #8
    Just want him to be cleaned down there. As for the other body parts, it's up to him if he wants to shave, wax them or not


    • Jonesy
      Jonesy commented
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      The same goes for me on this one. I don't want to end up spitting a hair ball while I'm sucking on his dick

      CUM EATER commented
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      You must have a very strange technique, Jonesy, if you are getting a mouthful of hair when you give oral sex!

      You're supposed to suck the actual dick - not the hair around it!

      Yes, you might get the occasional hair in your mouth, but definitely nothing amounting to a hairball.

      You are exaggerating, I think