How many of us, I wonder, fast-forward through the usual wanking, sucking and fucking to get to the 'Best Bit?'
Watching the men shoot their loads is all we're really interested in, I think!
I admit it - I love watching men ejaculate.
Sometimes, very rarely, it's obvious in a porn film that the men really like each other, and are enjoying having sex, and it's a real pleasure to watch the whole film when that is happening.
But usually they're just trying to reach orgasm as fast as possible, so that they will have earned their money and can go home.
So, who admits to just wanting to see the cum?
That photo isn't me, by the way! But it's a fucking beautiful image, isn't it? Just look at the blissful expression on his face.
Every man alive, who has ever had an orgasm, knows exactly how he is feeling.
By the way, the gorgeous chap in the photo is Neal Jameson. Just a normal English man (not a porn actor) who is very beautiful, very hairy, and puts lots of videos of himself masturbating on Twitter.
I recommend you find him on Twitter, and see for yourselves!