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Public Sex

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  • Public Sex

    Lately, regular sex has been getting boring. I want to start having more sex in public. Be it washrooms, or back alleys or just whatever the moment takes us. I would really like to meet someone who would be up for exploring something like this? Just tons of public sex, getting wild, seeing what happens? Message me, I would love to be able to try something like that.

  • #2
    I understand that feeling entirely. I think about how boring my sex life is all the time. Only I like to bang in the backs of night clubs in those completely dark rooms. That is my jam. I love not knowing who I am inside and who is inside me. I feel so alive just doing something like that. I do not know if that is something that you are in to but if you are.It is quite the experience and I can happily recommend some placed to you. There is a lot of trust in those rooms and it is amazing.


    • #3
      I am always bored with my sex life that I started having sex at work and in restaurant bathrooms on my lunch break. It is hot and dirty and I am very much into the whole thing. it is hot because it is like a full date in one hour, sex included. In my shitty work schedule I need something thatis short and sweet and to the point. I would love to splurge on long dates but I can't and short dates get so boring so fast. I hate them. But whatever, soon I won't have to deal with that anymore and I can just move on and start doing what I want to do.


      • #4
        I once had sex at a fair behind one of the games. It was hot and no one caught us. That was probably the best hook up ever. That was when I was a wild child.


        • CockyMalone
          CockyMalone commented
          Editing a comment
          Details, that sounds hot, keeping me wanting to hear more.

      • #5
        What is themost public place someone has ever hooked up? Like a carnival is pretty good, can anyone beat that? I do not think I can. I had elevator sex is last week which was pretty hot. I will admit to that.


        • #6
          My most public hook up was at a basketball game. I blew a dude right in the bleechers. No one knew. Or at least they all politely avoided making eye contact with me. But I am fairly discreet. I am good at what I do I must admit. Although, I do not mind if I get caught. I am very much into getting caught. I think it is that much sexier.


          • #7
            Just make sure to be careful and see if there are cameras around. It's usually the thrill of getting caught that makes people get into public sex


            • #8
              Can I ask where was the best public sex you've tried?


              • #9
                If you're really seeking some thrill you can try getting a bj in the bathroom of a busy cafe. that'll either get you adrenaline pumping or get you kicked out

