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Stronger Profile

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  • Stronger Profile

    I guess a stronger profile will get me more matches. How do I make my profile stronger though? Does it have to do with my likes and dislikes or do I just make it friendlier, more compelling and welcoming? As it stands now, is it a strong profile or is it too weak? I need some tips to make my profile better so I can stand out more than others.

  • #2
    First, you have to put in the time it is gonna take to make your profile stronger. Then you are gonna find a recent photo, something that you feel good about. Next, you should have a good title that pops out at you. You are gonna need to describe what you looking for and then save everything and then go back the next day to read it over with a fresh mind and make the changes you have to make. It is that simple!


    • #3
      I guess strong means that you must do what it takes to keep people clicking on your profile. I think I got a strong profile cause I have a damn good pic of myself and I make it sexy and that is what most men like. I also try to smile in my pic and give a provocative look. You cannot just put a plain pic up and expect men to view it and be pleased. You have to put a pic that makes men want to call you even before they read your profile description. So I say the pic is the key to making a profile stronger.


      • #4
        I don't know how much stronger I can make my profile so I don't know if I am the right person to advice you. But, I have had quite a few hits recently when I changed the description. I kinda wrote the description to show matches that they would be makig a mistake in passing me by. I think those are the exact words I used. I tell them how long I have been out of the closet and what I have been doing with my life. I also say what I am looking for in a man and that helped to turn my results around.


        • #5
          I love sexiness and that is what I look for in someone's profile. You have to look sexy and talk sexy for me to even give you the time of day. So if you don't have your sexy turned on, you aint gonna get me or men like me looking at your sorry ass. I think sex appeal is what makes a profile strong in the first place.


          • #6
            You should complete every section of the profile, which means the title, the pic upload and even more important for me is the description. You canot be lazy with this. You have to take time to do it and do it good too. I consider a profile the same thing as a resume. That is what people judge you by and so you have to make it as perfect as possible. I hope that helps.


            • #7
              Make the profile something that you are proud of. It is a statement about you and that is what people will use to judge whether they want to click on it or not. I would say that when you are putting together your profile think about who you are writing it for. For instance, if you are looking for gay men in your age group, put that in the profile or even better, put an age range. If you want someone who is into a certain hobby or career, then you should say so and als include what you do for a living to see if you both are in the same line of work. Sometimes, it takes just one thing like that to connect with the right person.


              • #8
                Wow! Y'all gave some really good tips on writing a strong profile. I will definitely take your advice and go back and look what I been doing wrong. I guess I am not good at constructing sentences and all that stuff. Thanks for the input.


                • #9
                  Should I put my naked photos here so that they will notice me?

