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Three ways

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  • Three ways

    I do not really have a lot of experience with threesomes butmy new boyfriend is very into them and wants to do them. I am curious but in the end I mean, what do I do? Also, if I do it, does this leave the door open to us always doing something like this? I do not want to always be having three ways.But I am curious. So, that is where I am at? What do I do?

  • #2
    If you have to ask whether or not a three some will ruin your relationship, it is probably going to ruin your relationship. I mean, seriously, I want you to really think about what you are doing. You are having a threesome so he won't leave you. THat doesnt sound very good to anyone now does it? Maybe you need to take a step back and reexamine why you are really doing this.


    • #3
      There is something veryhot about a three way that doesn't have to have anything to do with a relationship. I mean, seriously, there isnothing hotter than two days just going at your body. I think you should do it. It seems like you have never done this before, so you should just do this now and then leave him. You guys are basically over anyways so you might as well. Just giver. Have some fun before the relationship ends.


      • #4
        There is something beautiful about having a threesome but honestly it is better when you do it with two strangers and not inside a relationship because that will just always end poorly. Trust me on that one. Just embrace the two others in bed. You will someday soon know how great a threesome is.


        • #5
          I did that whole having a three way with someone to try and save the relationship thing. But you need to know what you will never win. You will never come out of this with a good experience. Your relationship is over so you might as well get out before you sink to that level. If he wants you to do that and you are feeling uncomfortable, this relationship is over.


          • #6
            Have a threesome. It is the best thing you can do with a third wheel. Relationship is definetely over so you might as well just fuck and go. You need to get some hot action then bail. do not ever turn down a threeway but also, know when to fold them when it comes to your cards. Do not hold them close to your heart. Throw them out and burn the table.

